Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Zimbabwe found itself basking in the warm glows of economic progress during the golden era of national unity government. The spark behind this turnaround was none other than a rejuvenated opposition party, which against all odds, steered the country away from the brink of an economic abyss. Yet, these achievements were realized not under the watchful eye of expert advisors, but solely through the party’s unwavering resolve and innovative approach.

It was a scenario in stark contrast to the current state of affairs under the ZANU-PF government. Known for their relentless hold on power, their governance is an epitome of corruption, often characterized by the manipulation of the nation’s supreme law. Their system operates on principles antithetical to transparency, accountability, and the rule of law, opting instead for lawfare and party supremacy. This narrative, effectively crippling the state, has led to an impending state failure.

ZANU-PF’s choice of forming an advisory council is puzzling, given its questionable selection process that seemed to prioritize parasitic tendencies, historical records of looting and prospects of future exploitation.

This advisory council, mirroring the inefficiency of other ZANU-PF-led institutions, has failed to deliver on its mandates. They’ve presided over economic stagnation, soaring unemployment rates, and a wildly fluctuating exchange rate, further compounded by rampant inflation. Such a dire economic situation has kidnapped the earnings of citizens already neglected by the very government that should be safeguarding their welfare.

The advisory council, shrouded in unconstitutionality, falls far short of fulfilling the needs of the people. Rather than providing solutions to mitigate suffering or halt the terror tactics of the ZANU-PF, they’ve aided the progression of a pitiful service delivery system that lacks affordability, reliability, and decency.

Furthermore, the council serves as a smoke screen, diverting attention from the ZANU-PF’s evasion of key governance tenets, such as responsibility, accountability, and the rule of law. This diversion allows the party to continue with their unbridled predatory practices, plundering and looting the national resources, and evading any potential consequences.

The mutilation of Zimbabwe’s supreme law is a disturbing yet clear illustration of ZANU-PF’s disregard for any form of independence within its institutions. The creation of the advisory council is merely another cog in this oppressive machine, exacerbating the country’s paralysis rather than offering any genuine reforms.

Zimbabwe is in dire need, not of an advisory council but of robust reforms and democratization. The council, in its current form, is an expensive distraction, with the real need lying in restoring the nation’s supreme law, promoting transparency and accountability, and fostering sustainable economic growth. The country needs leaders willing to take the reins of responsibility, leading with integrity and instigating much-needed reforms. Until then, Zimbabwe remains caught in a suffocating cycle of economic stagnation and political strife.

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