Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

The proverb “there is nothing new under the sun” could not ring more true when considering the repetitive, misdirected strategies devised by the controversial Zanu PF party. Their recent initiatives, burdened with failure and corruption, are laughably predictable and continuously undermine the democratic process while ensuring an endless grasp on power. Notable among their failed programs are Pfumvudza, mud ovens, command agriculture, bond notes, and the so-called interbank exchange platform. Now, the party presents its latest ploy – the introduction of gold coins as a new form of currency.

However, the gold coin scheme is bound to follow the same unsuccessful trajectory as its predecessors. Its aim to destabilize the local currency – a move contrarily acclaimed by Scarfmore as enhancing regional monetary strength – is fundamentally flawed. The proposed coin system, despite its lofty intentions, does not take into consideration the precarious position of the average citizen, who has become a political pawn in Zanu PF’s game.

The average peasant, threatened with food aid deprivation due to a food insecurity crisis ironically instigated by Zanu PF’s failed policies, can ill afford to invest in gold coins. These individuals, unable to meet basic needs like cooking oil, flour, and sugar, are hardly expected to amass enough local currency to trade for the gold coins. Thus, they face the grim reality of continuing to transact with a progressively devalued currency.

The introduction of gold coins is not without its societal risks either. It opens up a Pandora’s box of potential crime, as the precious metal will inevitably become a prime target for armed robbers, especially among the vast unemployed youth. Previously, valuables like electronics held a certain appeal, but gold coins offer an irresistible lure, being both valuable and difficult to trace.

Aside from its logistical and societal hurdles, the gold coin scheme also highlights Zanu PF’s flawed approach to problem-solving. It addresses the symptoms, rather than tackling the root cause of the economic issues plaguing the nation. Thus, the underlying issues fester and worsen, and the symptoms multiply, despite the party’s pretense of responding to the people’s plight.

Moreover, the implementation of the gold coin system only serves to augment Zanu PF’s self-enrichment narrative. This party, implicated in unchecked gold smuggling, as evidenced by the Rushwaya case, continues to exploit national resources for personal gain, with no repercussions. It’s only a matter of time before we hear news of the Fidelity Printers running out of gold, heralding the inevitable debasement of the gold coin value.

In essence, the introduction of gold coins represents another misguided scheme by Zanu PF. It’s a mere Band-Aid applied to a deep wound, an attempt to distract from the need for real, effective policies to address the nation’s socio-economic issues. Instead of seeking genuine and sustainable solutions, Zanu PF opts for cosmetic changes, disregarding the grave consequences that will inevitably impact the people they purport to represent.

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