Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

In a realm where power and privilege perpetually rest with the political elite, Zimbabwe presents a stark tale of disparity, suffering, and stifling inequality. The impoverishment, partisanship, and politicization of the police and military ranks are nestled in stark contrast to the oppressed masses; a heaven and hell living side by side, one flourishing while the other descends into despair. The ruling party, ZANU PF, flaunts its self-indulgent obsession with wealth accumulation, holding no regard for the rule of law, and shamelessly neglecting the welfare of the people, thereby pushing the nation closer to the precipice of state failure.

Despite this rising tide of crisis, certain groups within the disintegrating state of Zimbabwe enjoy protection and insulation from the societal breakdown, courtesy of ZANU PF’s unlawful rule. The political party’s actions have numbed the state to a paralysis, with one specific class of individuals benefiting from this insulation – the police and the military rank and file.

These entities, heavily partisan and steeped in poverty, live a privileged existence, shielded from the harsh realities endured by the destitute masses who are faced with terror, unemployment, and food insecurity. The economic turmoil has spiraled the cost of living out of control, marring it with low quality, and making it unaffordable for the majority.

Interestingly, these protected entities, the police and the military, are key elements in the political machinery. They form the critical backbone of ZANU PF, facilitating the retention of power through illegal means. ZANU PF’s rule, which is marred with criminal activities, political terrorism, authoritarianism, and blatant disregard for the law, has incapacitated the state, leading it towards inevitable failure. Such decline, echoing the crises in the Horn of Africa and Sahel region, threatens to destabilize the entire region, ushering in security and humanitarian crises.

These insulated entities play a vital role in perpetuating fear among the oppressed masses, exemplified in the 2018 deployment of the military following rigged and stolen elections. They mercilessly fired upon defenseless civilians exercising their constitutional right to assembly, heightening the terror amongst the populace. It was also observed when opposition lawmaker and vocal critic, Job Sikhala, was unconstitutionally detained by the police.

Interestingly, the impoverished, partisan, politicized police and the rank and file of the military appear to enjoy their own exclusive benefits. They access specialized hospitals, and their children attend dedicated schools. Furthermore, they have a unique currency immune to the rampant inflation tearing through the common man’s pocket.

Zimbabwe’s story is a powerful narrative of disparity and deprivation. The ruling elite and their political machinery continue to thrive in their insulated heaven, while the masses are forced to endure a reality of destitution and despair, a true depiction of political unrest and inequality.

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