Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

The Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU PF), currently embroiled in a crisis of innovation and logical reasoning, appears to be escalating its oppressive tactics beyond lawfare, a tool it has frequently wielded to thwart any opposition or agents of democratic change. This evolution has borne a frightening resemblance to the brutal and fatal violence that marred the aftermath of the 2018 elections, casting a pall of terror that stifles democratic engagement and suppresses constitutionally granted rights, thus perpetuating a cycle of political paralysis.

ZANU PF’s strategy is multifaceted but ultimately leads to a singular objective: the tenacious, albeit futile, pursuit of absolute dominance in the guise of a one-party state. Unravelling this motive is critical to understand the systematic persecution and killing of peaceful activists who, ironically, are viewed as more formidable threats than ZANU PF’s actual criminals.

Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, ZANU PF remains determined to achieve this autocratic dream. The party’s desires for unchecked authority, particularly concerning resource allocation, has transformed it into a parasitic entity, evidenced by its self-serving exploitation and restricted public access to essential goods and services. These actions stand in stark contrast to the public welfare-oriented governance demonstrated by the legitimate opposition during its brief tenure of economic stewardship.

Today, the luxury of accessing premium goods and services remains the exclusive privilege of the criminals within ZANU PF. Even the partisan military faces difficulties, as highlighted by the scandal involving Air Vice Marshal Moyo’s failed attempt to leverage his ill-gotten power to secure his daughter’s admission at the Dominican Convent using a devalued form of payment.

This scenario is intrinsically linked to the elimination of activists who seek to challenge and reform the existing state of affairs. Any potential disruption and revision of the status quo represents a nightmare for ZANU PF as it threatens their parasitic existence, hindering their ability to exploit the nation’s resources for their own benefit. Therefore, the killing of activists stands as a grim testament to ZANU PF’s ruthless resolve to maintain their regime of endless looting and exploitation.

Activists who dare to challenge this status quo become a perceived threat to ZANU PF’s criminal empire. The successful destabilisation and reform of the existing order pose a direct threat to ZANU PF’s parasitic nature, undermining its capacity to exploit the country’s wealth for personal gain. Consequently, the assassination of activists is a chilling signal of ZANU PF’s unflinching determination to preserve the status quo, ensuring their perpetual cycle of plunder and exploitation continues unabated.

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