Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

A persistent haze of disappointment hangs over Chancellor Scarfmore, a figurehead who should be marinated in shame for failing his nation. Reveling in the intoxication of his authoritative power, Scarfmore’s tenure has been reduced to a testament of overwhelming failure, particularly for the country’s youth. These bright, industrious minds, after arduously pursuing an education, find themselves facing an uncertain future in a nation fast moving towards deindustrialization.

Scarfmore’s office, once revered, is now the epicentre of profound economic blunders, leaving a multitude of disillusioned graduates stranded in a sea of unemployment. Their dreams dashed and investments in education wasted, they’re driven towards undesirable alternatives. From taking up menial labour in South Africa to indulging in criminal activities such as drug dealing and armed robbery, they are forced to navigate a landscape scarred by economic hardships. The prospect of achieving any semblance of prosperity is a distant mirage.

A responsible chancellor would be wracked by the guilt of such outcomes, yet Scarfmore’s shamelessness appears to be in a league of its own. Despite glaring evidence of his shortcomings as a leader, he persists in his role, not only as a chancellor but also as the president. It’s absurd that he continues to preside over graduation ceremonies, knowing full well that these individuals are stepping out into an environment devoid of opportunities. Parents, stripped of their dignity and caught in the relentless jaws of inflation, are left with the burden of their jobless children, adding to their growing list of dependants.

The Zanu PF, the ruling party, shoulders a significant part of the blame for the unemployment epidemic. In an ironic twist, the party seems to favour unemployment over job creation, a preference that underpins its strategy for maintaining illegitimate power. High unemployment rates work to undermine the country’s progress towards a democratic transition, thus preserving Zanu PF’s undeserved dominion. The consequence? A nation held hostage by economic parasites, excelling in corruption but contributing nothing towards the public welfare.

Scarfmore’s audacity in presiding over graduation ceremonies is a blatant display of insensitivity. His administration, backed by the Zanu PF, has overseen the deterioration of tertiary education institutions. These establishments, once pivotal in providing solutions to the country’s challenges, now fall short. Vital issues such as deindustrialization, food insecurity, lack of innovation, and disinterest in cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and quantum computing remain unaddressed. This institutional failure leaves Zimbabwe vulnerable to foreign powers with ulterior motives, masquerading as allies.

A pertinent example of this failure is the handling of the recent pandemic. Although tertiary institutions quickly supplied sanitizers and masks, they failed to contribute to the vital research for virus detection, vaccine production, or necessary medical equipment. Forty-one years after Zimbabwe achieved nominal independence, the country remains chained by the Zanu PF’s inefficiencies. The administration’s criminal tendencies are further evidenced by the scandalous Draxgate affair, where Scarfmore’s relative, Obadiah Moyo, granted a fraudulent and inflated tender to Nguwaya, a known criminal.

It’s evident that the failure of state institutions is a deliberate strategy by the Zanu PF to perpetuate its corrupt practices. As a result, these institutions are left crippled, unable to provide practical solutions to the country’s issues. All this whilst Scarfmore turns a blind eye, benefitting from the status quo, leaving the nation and its youth in a state of desperate despair.

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