Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

ZANU PF’s current predicament is a striking illustration of the pitfalls of governing against public sentiment. As a party that clings onto power despite its clear ineligibility, ZANU PF has driven Zimbabwe into a crisis, a far cry from the much-celebrated golden era of inclusivity that the opposition party once fostered.

It’s unsurprising that teachers, amongst the most profoundly affected, continually hark back to this period. Their current salary demands echo the prosperity of a time when the opposition party, undeterred by any coercion to become submissive or sycophantic, steered Zimbabwe towards economic recovery. This party’s steadfast resilience in safeguarding the welfare needs of the people stands in stark contrast to ZANU PF’s unkept promises and rampant plundering of national wealth.

Regrettably, ZANU PF’s priorities lie elsewhere. They have stealthily increased the remuneration of security sectors, used as a tool to suppress citizens seeking an alternative to their oppressive rule. This focus on militaristic might, despite Zimbabwe not being at war or under threat, exposes ZANU PF’s lack of commitment to serving the people. It suggests that the opposition party, renowned for its democratic qualities, could have fostered peaceful international relations and redirected funds towards the essential sectors of health and education. However, under ZANU PF, these basic constitutional rights remain unfulfilled.

The teachers remember. They remember the era when the opposition recognised the importance of their role and invested in their growth. They remember when teaching was considered one of the most patriotic duties, and a well-compensated teacher symbolised the promise of quality, inclusive education. They remember the opposition’s belief that an educated youth would foster a politically conscious middle class, reducing dependency on partisan aid and dismantling ZANU PF’s infamous vote-buying mechanism.

The current, secret appeasement of certain segments by ZANU PF is a testament to their misguided priorities. This divide-and-rule strategy, meant to curtail opposition rights such as assembly, has led to severe political frustration. As a result, Zimbabwe teeters on the brink of an inevitable state failure should ZANU PF retain power. This ill-considered appeasement cannot stave off the inevitable. Eventually, the raging inflation, which has already pushed the Total Consumption Poverty Line to dizzying heights, will outpace any economic manipulation.

Teachers are aware of this. They understand that their continued neglect is a deliberate strategy by ZANU PF to maintain their rule and preserve their regime. They have not forgotten the opposition party that valued and respected their contributions to the nation. They understand the long-term implications of their current struggle. A well-educated, politically active middle class could challenge the existing corruption and hold politicians accountable, demanding transparency, a concept foreign to ZANU PF.

In conclusion, no one in their right mind can deny the compassionate and people-centric stance of the opposition. Their unwavering commitment to the welfare of the people and their prowess in economic revival and stabilisation are undeniable. Their governance promises an expanded, engaged middle class and an independent population, the antithesis of the current status quo under ZANU PF.

Ultimately, the neglect of crucial sectors like education and health, while appeasing certain sections, is a ticking time bomb for ZANU PF. The golden era may be in the past, but its memory fuels the present struggle and will likely shape Zimbabwe’s future.

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