Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

If there is something that will, beyond doubt, indicate that the failed, pestilential, and illegitimate zanu pf is responsible for the paralyzed state, it is its role in ensuring that ordinary level, and advanced level results are not released. The parasitic, disastrous zanu pf has made it clear that it will not release the results. The affected parties have the following choices, go to hell, as if Zimbabwe is not hell already, brew beer and complain to the ancestors, try to vote it out of power it is retaining illegitimately and get their fundamental property and human rights violations, or suck it up and pretend the crisis over the results is simply imagined, and thus no cause for concern. Obviously going to the courts is out of question. Since when does the legitimately failed zanu pf listen to the courts it has captured, militarized and politicized? These are the same courts it uses to employ law fare against the resilient, innovative and vibrant opposition.

What is the results crisis indicating? It is indicating that the failed zanu pf has not only failed the people it oppresses, terrorizes, by neglecting or abandoning their welfare, the consequences conceived have been the subsequent service delivery deprivation, which has seen some of the constitutional provisions of the failed zanu pf mutilated constitution, which is the supreme law of the land getting violated, as a means to an end of retaining power at all cost, such as the right to education. It serves tje parasitic zanu pf well to have an uneducated population. It is in the interest of the corrupt disastrous zanu pf to have an uneducated population because it easily can be made ignorant, and uninformed, by being made to wear blinkers such as populist policies like the archaic pfumvudza.

In addition, this results crisis demonstrate where priorities of zanu pf lie. They certainly do not acknowledge the welfare of the neglected people, left to their own devices, as evidenced by lack of remorse, empathy, sensitivity and responsiveness. This is because of where the corrupt and parasitic zanu pf interests and thus preoccupation lies. It is plundering, looting and preying. Why else do you think zanu pf is willing to risk state failure and collapse, human and property rights violations? It is because it is deprived of popular will, thus lacks political legitimacy, yet it needs to be in the public office. The public office gives it access to both natural resources which are non-renewable, and fiscal resources which it then loots, and plunders for self-gain and enrichment. This is why the partisan, zanu pf failed parasites steal. They use the proceeds to send their kids abroad, where they have premium education. In these countries, there are no scandals such as results scandals.

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