Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Stupid people will be celebrating forty three years of looting, plundering and predation by the failed, corrupt zanu pf parasites and criminals. Of course they will be offended that someone calls their stupidity for what it is. They are not only politically uninformed but politically ignorant. These are people who legitimize the looting, plundering and predation preoccupations of zanu pf. They do this by allowing the same failed zanu pf parasites to deceive, manipulate them, say, through populism, as was the case with the failed, chaotic and unconstitutional land grab, whose consequences has been unrelenting, unceasing food insecurity crisis, a crisis which the shameless, disastrous zanu pf parasites and criminals did not let go to waste.

For forty three years, four decades, zanu pf has been in power illegitimately. For the benefit of offended, stupid supporters of the failed, pestilential zanu pf, in 1980, their disastrous zanu pf which, by the way, is responsible for the state paralysis, actually threatened the people it deceived to have liberated with a civil war or to be more frank, death, should they decide not to vote for it. Why would you want to keep power illegitimately, on the basis of visiting death on those who will not endorse you, and install you in public office, especially if you claim to be qualified to trigger massive development and economic growth, even though the reality prevailing on the ground dismisses your qualifications, unless you have some sick ulterior motives?

This is what the stupid, offended supporters of zanu pf fail to comprehend, owing to their sheer ignorance. They choose not to see the signs and indications that prove beyond doubt that what’s in it for the failed, corrupt, and pestilential zanu pf is the natural, non renewable and fiscal resources for plundering, looting and predation. They fail to appreciate that this is the sole primary cause responsible for the neglecting of their welfare by zanu pf, a development to which it is insensitive and unresponsive, and is accompanied by the attendant prompt, affordable, reliable and decent service delivery. They deliberately fail to realize that all the mutilations, devaluing of the constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, fundamental human and property rights violations are all a means to an end for the embarrassingly, shameless, failed, corrupt zanu pf parasites to illegitimately retain power so as to preserve the status quo which it abuses to loot, plunder and prey on the people it oppresses and terrorizes

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