Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

People, who are traumatized by the tyranny and oppression of the failed, pestilential zanu pf will be celebrating forty-three years, not just of the tyranny and oppression of the failed, parasitic zanu pf, which are the chief means of its investment in futile aspirations of a one party state which it would dominate, a state that currently is paralyzed but is inevitably evolving into state failure and collapse, but also wholesale, and deliberate negligence of the people’s welfare, and the attendant, obvious deprivation of prompt, affordable, reliable, efficient and decent service delivery.

UN Zimbabwe on Twitter: "The @UNZimbabwe family wishes the Government &  People of Zimbabwe happy 43rd Independence Day. @UNZimbabwe remains  committed to support the Government of #Zimbabwe in achieving national  development aspirations

There really is nothing to celebrate about. For four decades, there has been nothing but endemic pain, misery, suffering, ruin, humiliation, brought by the cursed existence of the failed, parasitic and pestilential zanu pf, which is retaining power illegitimately, at the expense of not only national security and sovereignty, but also the status of the state, which currently is paralyzed, as evidenced by a stagnant economy, whose growth is negative, endemic corruption which is a means to an end of insulating those with any power, such as the police, or regulating, compliance authorities such as customs , against a ravaging, unrelenting inflation, which is connubial to a very volatile, uncertain exchange rate.

This endemic pain, misery, suffering, ruin, humiliation, brought by the cursed existence of the failed, parasitic and pestilential zanu pf, which is retaining power illegitimately is caused by nothing other than greed, by the parasites who form membership of the criminal organization of the failed zanu pf. This greed has manifested in the plundering, predation and pillaging of both natural, non-renewable resources, especially gold by the zanu pf elites, and fiscal resources, which have been abused perpetually by zanu pf, especially in its departments and ministries, where for instance, three hundred million was misappropriated even without parliamentary oversight, despite the fact that the failed and corrupt zanu pf has a rigged parliamentary majority. So what has this got anything to do with 43 years of armed robberies in neighboring South Africa and Botswana? The answer is everything.

You see, zanu pf is in power illegitimately. In other words, it is suffering from an acute, chronic deficiency in popular will. You might be confused as to why would a party that claims to be loved by the people it terrorizes and oppresses, going to such terrible lengths of denying the resilient, innovative and vibrant opposition that it has tried time and again to decimate, would suffer from such an existential crisis triggering deficiency such as that involving the popular will political nutrients. It is simple, yet complex really. You see, the failed, corrupt and pestilential zanu pf is greedy, as referenced earlier. This greed leads to severe consequences of pillaging and plundering resources meant for the welfare of the people it oppresses and terrorizes, through the regrettable, and tragic fundamental human and property rights violations, as a means to an end of establishing deterrence that would disrupt and re-evolve the status quo that zanu pf prefers remains constant.

The consequences are that the state gets paralyzed. The economy stagnates, and if it grows, it grows negatively. Unemployment becomes endemic. And with unemployment comes the concerning spike in crime rate. Generally, South Africans, considering their middle class, and upper classes, are richer that Zimbabweans, whose middle class is now almost extinct. This means that the unemployed youths in Zimbabweans thus perceive the richer south Africans as low hanging fruits, which easily can be picked. On the other hand, Botswana is a sensible choice for gold panning. This is because the senile, and demented Scarfmore will not control the gold panning through rogue security offices, nor will there be the usual machete and gang wars, used by Scarfmore in his bid to control the gold production.

The gold panning, illegal, in Botswana and the armed robberies in South Africa by Zimbabwean nationals, are both irrefutable evidence that oppressed and terrorized Zimbabweans are desperate, four decades after the alleged, largely theoretical independence. Economically they are disempowered, and malnourished. So again, what is there to celebrate about?

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