Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Zimbabwe’s international reputation is in dire straits, largely due to the questionable governance tactics employed by the ruling ZANU PF party. The African nation has been making headlines around the globe, amidst the heartbreaking assassination of Abe, Boris’s unexpected resignation, and the troubling invasion of Ukraine and Sri Lanka. Yet, it’s not for any positive breakthroughs that Zimbabwe is attracting attention, but rather for a series of grave mishaps under the ZANU PF regime.

Long regarded as an illegitimate power, ZANU PF’s rule over Zimbabwe has been characterized by corruption, brutality, and parasitic practices. The party’s strategies have rarely been portrayed positively in international media. This perpetual negative portrayal can be traced back to events such as Gukurahundi – an appalling ethnic cleansing incident overseen by the then state security minister, now Zimbabwe’s president, Scarfmore.

Under ZANU PF’s rule, the country has been gripped by illegal and unconstitutional land seizures leading to severe food insecurity. The low wages offered to essential service providers have further damaged Zimbabwe’s international image. Consequently, not a single positive international media portrayal of Zimbabwe under this administration can be noted.

Moreover, the ZANU PF party has been implicated in extrajudicial killings carried out through unemployed youths and politicized militia. This partisan group, which is also on the party’s payroll, acts as police and makes up the disorganized army. Additionally, ZANU PF has continuously breached property rights as a means of securing its illegitimate grip on power. These strategies have had devastating impacts, leading to an inevitable state paralysis that is now edging towards total collapse.

The party’s primary aim appears to be to maintain power illegitimately, with a clear intention for self-enrichment rather than national development. Its tactics involve violating human and property rights and resorting to corruption and criminal activities. Despite its numerous documented failures, ZANU PF remains undeterred, a fact all too clear to the populace but particularly distressing to the international community.

For the average Zimbabwean peasant, the repercussions of ZANU PF’s actions might not be immediately evident. Many depend on the ruling party for food handouts and are, in turn, expected to vote in their favor. However, internationally, the effects of ZANU PF’s rule are glaringly clear. Zimbabwe is now known for its poorly remunerated civil service, leading to a halt in service delivery, particularly in healthcare. This unfortunate situation has driven a brain drain, adding further insult to the injury inflicted by the government.

To the global community that President Scarfmore is eager to engage, these conditions are clear indicators of ZANU PF’s incompetency. It illustrates how the party has driven the economy into the ground, leaving it incapable of paying its employees or providing essential services. Despite its claims to legitimacy, Zimbabwe’s current state of affairs paints a starkly contrasting picture, causing it to trend in international media for all the wrong reasons.

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