Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

In Zimbabwe’s history, genuine patriots have often been in short supply, a recurring theme that traces its roots back to the pre-independence era. These brave individuals – like Nehanda, the unjustly murdered Chitepo, Tsvangirai, and Mamombe – stepped forward during critical junctures, demonstrating leadership and resilience in the face of tyranny. However, standing alone against the might of a governing party like Zanu PF has often proven costly, with the tragic tale of Dzamara serving as a sobering testament. Yet, hope emerges from institutions such as the Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe (YALZ) and Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR), which continue to stand tall against this grim backdrop.

Institutions, unlike individuals, cannot be physically threatened or silenced. Their momentum is difficult to quell and their impact is enough to unsettle the governing party, forcing it to reevaluate its unconstitutional decisions. In the face of Zanu PF’s relentless quest for unchecked power, these institutions, like the YALZ and ZLHR, serve as a crucial bulwark.

YALZ, through its work, has highlighted that the constitution represents the will of the people and no one, not even the governing Zanu PF, can dictate otherwise. The constitution is a sanctified entity, embodying and protecting the populace. Its vindication in recent events has reassured Zimbabweans, demonstrating the vulnerability of Zanu PF before the robust constitution upheld by unbiased, independent judges.

These dissenting judges exemplify a rare breed of leaders who are willing to risk everything for justice. They hold the line, preventing the constitution from crumbling and the nation from spiralling into Zanu PF’s discordance, chaos, and lawlessness. Human rights NGOs have become the guardians of constitutionalism in an increasingly suffocating democratic space.

Both YALZ and ZLHR understand that the constitution echoes the will of the people, who, hamstrung by the governing party, are often incapable of defending it. This understanding does not indicate any partisanship or lack of patriotism on the part of these NGOs. If anything, they are among the most patriotic Zimbabweans, as they have identified and filled the urgent need for vigilant custodians who can prevent constitutional mutilation amidst a widespread politically alienated and disenfranchised populace.

These organisations’ efforts are spurred by a deep-seated fear of Zanu PF’s potential perpetuation of its reign through illegitimate power retention, further fuelling its harmful tendencies and inflating its malevolent ego. Such a scenario spells disaster for the average Zimbabwean, extending their period of hardship and misery.

For standing resolute against Zanu PF, the people of Zimbabwe have a deep appreciation for the bravery of YALZ and ZLHR. These organisations have risked everything to protect the sanctity of the constitution, uphold the rule of law, and advocate for a society free from paralysing fear. Their valiant actions have shone a beacon of hope on the path towards a brighter Zimbabwean future.

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