Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

In a profound display of unsettling political dynamics, the recent primaries of ZANU PF were riddled with chaos, violence, and allegations of rigging. These events are a chilling forecast of the tumult expected in the approaching national elections. The sheer anarchy and apparent manipulation of the electoral process by ZANU PF, whose governance has been marked by a disturbing trail of failure, points to a harrowing paralysis within the state machinery.

The ZANU PF, whose actions are steeped in despotic tendencies, has a history marred by nefarious activities. These range from violation of the constitution, neglecting citizens’ welfare, hampering service delivery, to outright looting for self-enrichment. The party’s actions have cast a pall over the nation, underscoring the absence of rule of law.

Why were ZANU PF’s polls violent and seemingly manipulated? Why were there reports of abductions, assaults, and intimidation? It is distressing to ponder whether the allure of political office and the potential gains from it have made the use of brute force an appealing tool to secure power. If so, what exactly are these gains, and will the motivations that fuel these actions spill into national politics, causing state paralysis and possible collapse?

The upcoming national elections are cloaked in grim inevitability. The likelihood of them being rigged, marred by chaos, and drenched in violence is disturbingly high. It is anticipated that instances of state-sponsored violence, including abductions, sexual assault, physical assault, and even murder, will rise exponentially. The absence of accountability and transparency in holding a political office often paves the way to amass ill-gotten wealth, plundering national resources with impunity.

This disturbing cycle of violence and corruption is driven by the desire for illegitimate power, enabling unchecked looting of fiscal and non-renewable natural resources. This macabre dance of power and corruption is facilitated by the constant violation of the constitution, leading to a governance vacuum, replaced by the rule of force rather than the rule of law.

The systematic undermining of justice and equality is evident in the militarized and politically compromised courts. These institutions, which should be bastions of justice, employ lawfare against an invigorated and resilient opposition, responsive to the welfare of the oppressed masses. The opposition, focused on service delivery, stands against the four-decade long neglect of citizens’ welfare.

The desired endgame appears to be the realization of a one-party state, a grim landscape where looting and plundering become the norm, shielded by a veneer of legality. This stark reality stands in stark contrast to a vibrant, robust rule of law that should underpin a healthy, functioning democracy.

In the face of such disturbing developments, it is crucial for the nation and international observers to remain vigilant as the upcoming national elections approach. The storm brewing within the ZANU PF primaries is a somber forecast of the tempest that lies ahead. The democratic health of the nation hangs in the balance as it navigates these troubled waters.

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