Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Imagine for a moment that if the illegitimate Zanu pf enforcer that has been coerced to evolve into an unprofessional, thuggish, partisan and politicized force whose main utility is to violate the human and property rights of those imagined or perceived to be clamouring, actively working for change, actually voted for the opposition, in an overwhelming show of confidence in the renewed and invigorated opposition that the pestilential and illegitimate Zanu pf tried time and again to decimate but failed. This is crucial and should be appreciated for reasons listed below.

For starters, the police officers, some of whom have for decades, been exploited by the illegitimate Zanu pf to violate human and property rights so that it retains power illegitimately, preserving its status quo which is crucial for looting and plundering, have not been spared from the service delivery deprivation, subjected to the rest of every suffering and miserable Zimbabwean. Their welfare, and thus livelihoods have deteriorated beyond standards of the colonial Rhodesia, that prompted the theoretical liberation struggle. To add heavy industrial iodine to the injuries brought about by the exploitation and brutalization by the parasitic and criminal Zanu pf, it has remained largely insensitive and unresponsive to the plight even of its pawns who sacrifice their future, the future of their children so that it loots, plunders, for its own gain.

The very act of voting for the opposition by this police officers, who are obviously tired of being used as the weapon of choice by the tyrannical Zanu pf are in a stage that can be classified as passive resistance, or rebellion if you do away with the niceties. This is because in the camps they are living in, not even wild animals would live in them. They are so dilapidated. This is compounded heavily by water shortages, and electricity crisis. Their kids cannot attend schools and actually learn. How can they learn when countries like Rwanda are actually importing experienced teachers that Zanu pf neglects to ensure that they are well paid, and thus insulated from economic turbulence that has been created by the illegitimate Zanu pf in its futile, impossible quest to be the sole party in power that can loot and plunder for self-gain with no accountability and transparency?

The officers who have been reduced into a blunt instrument of pestilential Zanu pf repression have not been spared from the ravaging inflation, which has been working hand in glove with the out of control exchange rate. Each day what their peanuts used to buy the day before diminishes, yet they are coerced to toil in the interests of preserving the extremely unsustainable status quo of Zanu pf. This is just the beginning. The end certainly will be interesting, and will be fireworks.

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