Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

The forthcoming 2023 elections promise to be a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. Many fear that the reigning Zanu PF party, which has been marred by a litany of failures, exploitations, and alleged corruption, will use manipulative tactics to secure its hold on power. These elections are not merely about choosing a political party; they represent our collective quest for good governance, an aspiration that seems to be in exile under the current rule.

Our nation grapples with the repercussions of policies implemented by a party that appears tragically ill-equipped to meet our citizens’ needs. The Zanu PF, with its track record of violations, alleged criminal activities, and apparent neglect of our citizens’ welfare, is held responsible for our country’s existing state of paralysis, teetering on the brink of collapse. It is paramount, as we head into the voting booth, that we understand the gravity of our choices and their implications for our nation’s future.

Good governance, the cornerstone of a thriving democracy, is instrumental in establishing a system characterized by the separation of powers, equality before the law, devolution of power, and an independent judiciary. It promotes merit-based appointments, bolsters resilient institutions dedicated to combating corruption, and ensures the National Prosecuting Authority and anti-corruption commission function as impartial watchdogs, not costly burdens on our taxpayers.

In a well-governed state, public office bearers uphold accountability, transparency, and integrity. Unfortunately, these virtues seem to be missing under the current regime, thereby accentuating the dire need for a transition in our political landscape.

A system of good governance counteracts the existence of parasitic, exploitative elites who pilfer our fiscal and non-renewable resources for personal enrichment. It minimises the propensity for the political class to cling onto power by unconstitutional means, by instating deterrents against such predatory extractions. The assurance of public welfare, as well as the provision of prompt, affordable, and reliable services, would be its fundamental objectives.

The state of our public infrastructure today is a clear reflection of our leaders’ disregard for public welfare. The reintroduction of good governance would undoubtedly disrupt the existing regime’s strategies, hindering their attempts to establish a one-party state that seemingly thrives on the back of predatory extraction and self-enrichment.

In these forthcoming elections, we have a chance to make a powerful statement against the status quo. The 2023 elections are more than just a political event; they represent a battle for good governance, a chance to reclaim our nation from its current state of turmoil. As eligible voters, it is not just our right but our duty to vote, for the welfare of our nation depends on it.

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