Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

As the electoral storm gathers on the horizon, signifying the onset of an anticipated election, the spectre of violence looms large, casting long, dark shadows that bode of turmoil, rather than the hollow promises we’ve become accustomed to hearing. The architect of this unsettling atmosphere is the ZANU PF, an entity mired in controversy and scandal, responsible for the impending governmental collapse, and failing to live up to its role as a steward of the people.

The ZANU PF, marred by an ill reputation for its tyrannical authoritarianism, blatant criminality, rampant corruption, and disregard for the supreme law of the land, made its share of hollow promises during the heavily criticised 2018 elections. As it turns out, their grandiose promises were little more than a smokescreen for their lack of political will to bring about genuine, lasting constitutional reforms.

Nevertheless, the ZANU PF’s resolve to hold on to power, albeit unconstitutionally, remains unwavering. They are intent on establishing a one-party state to perpetuate their unbridled exploitation of the country’s fiscal and natural resources, with no scrutiny from the law they’ve undermined.

Their strategy is straightforward and terrifying in its implications – rely on state-sponsored violence. Violence, it appears, is a favoured instrument of the ZANU PF, compatible with the current status quo they have nurtured in the paralyzed state. It’s the modus operandi that goes hand-in-hand with their principle of “rule by law”, aided by a compromised judiciary that is not only inept but also sympathises with their grand vision of a one-party state.

As we stand on the precipice of these looming elections, don’t expect the usual sugar-coated rhetoric or empty promises of healthcare, education, electricity, and jobs from ZANU PF. They have oppressed and terrorised the populace for long enough to dispel any illusions about their intentions. Having taken five years to rule rather than govern, they have shown us that their promises are nothing more than hollow words designed to mask their true agenda.

In the end, the promise of a democratic election has been replaced with the reality of unfettered violence, orchestrated by those who seek power for their selfish ends. As we steel ourselves for the storm ahead, the truth is clear – the forthcoming elections will be a fight for the soul of our nation. The battle lines are drawn, and the storm is fast approaching. The only question that remains is, who will weather this storm and emerge stronger when the dust settles?

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