Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

In a shocking turn of events, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has come under scrutiny for its mishandling of voter information, leaving citizens questioning its credibility. With the Zanu Pf Camp aiming for 5 million votes in their favor and the MDC looking to add 6 million, the statistical data presented by ZEC fails to instill confidence in the execution of the vital civic duty of voting.

This scandal highlights the political naivety displayed by ZEC, as the institution entrusted with leading public institutions is expected to act in the best interest of the people. However, ZEC’s history of maladministration and poor handling of figures in national elections paints a grim picture of electoral rigging and undermines democratic values. Instead of maintaining an apolitical nature, ZEC has become a tool to discourage and polarize the electorate, eroding their confidence in the upcoming 2023 elections, while elevating the agenda of ZANU PF and suppressing the opposition parties’ message.

In advanced democracies, concerns over decreasing civic engagement, declining electoral turnout, and eroding trust in representative institutions have been voiced globally. To address these issues, awareness campaigns and grassroots outreach programs aimed at increasing participation have shown promising results. However, ZEC and its sub-structures have shown a lackadaisical approach in motivating the electorate to vote, as evidenced by the glaring mismatch between registered voters and the funds allocated for awareness campaigns. ZEC’s top-down approach opens doors to corruption and compromises the institution’s apolitical expectations.

In Zimbabwean society, citizens have become disillusioned with politics due to ZEC’s failure to provide timely and genuine information about the number of registered voters. The lack of concrete facts surrounding voter registration in Zimbabwe has left the public feeling uncertain and detached from mainstream politics. The disengagement of millennials from elections and traditional exercises of democratic citizenship, such as voting, joining political parties, or attending rallies, poses a significant threat to the legitimacy and sustainability of contemporary political institutions.

While we must remain patient, it is crucial to acknowledge that the current regime’s tactics are sophisticated. In a democracy, the collective power of citizens is truly realized when millions vote to drive transformation and change. It raises serious concerns when the appointed government fails to uphold this democratic value, undermining nationalism and hindering state and nation-building efforts.

Authoritarian regimes often employ tactics to cloud the electorate’s understanding and redefine political participation. Whether reflective of democratic aspirations or authoritarian nostalgia among Zimbabweans, these moments highlight the widening path towards apathy within society.

As the 2023 elections approach, it is imperative that ZEC addresses its shortcomings and restores trust in the electoral process. The people of Zimbabwe deserve a transparent and accountable institution that safeguards their democratic rights and ensures fair elections.

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