Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Zimbabweans are divided into two camps. The peasants and the parasites. The child labour being referenced here does not impact or affect the children of the parasites. It affects the impoverished, and malnourished children of the peasants. These are the peasants who are used by the failed, corrupt and pestilential zanu pf in its childish excuses for the apparent and palpable failures, such as the laughable, ridiculous anti-sanctions march, or vetting of people who masqueraded as war veterans. The same peasant war veterans who were delusional about the extent of their power and leverage over the scrounging zanu pf who were arrested for protesting for earning money that is eroded by inflation, again, caused by the illegitimate zanu pf.

They claim that the money is not enough to send their malnourished kids to school. They end up staying at home, before they get into situations where they are enslaved by zanu pf parasites, ironically, at white owned farms. The very same people that the failed zanu pf claims to have liberated the people from. It seems that the money from pillaging, and plundering the country’s natural, and non-renewable high value resources such as gold, platinum, lithium, among others. This has been evidenced by the arrest of Rushwaya, as she tried to smuggle it to Dubai, she attempted to smuggle gold worth one hundred million, which is more than enough to ensure that the unfortunate children who are now enslaved by zanu pf, used in the farms of what zanu pf claims to have fought against in the theoretical liberation struggle.

Education, and freedom, especially from forced labour, not to mention evil child labour, are basic rights that are provisioned for by the constitution, which inconveniencing for the illegitimate, failed and corrupt zanu pf, happens to be the supreme law of the land, which has become its kryptonite. This explains its hostile attitude towards the supreme law of the land, in its futile bid to establish a one party state. This is a one party state that will be superior, and not otherwise, to the supreme law of the land that is mutilated and devalued, which will neither sanction nor constrain the failed zanu pf from abusing its citizens, whom it has successfully turned into peasants. They will be systematically abused and exploited, their kids forced to work in farms of people who centuries ago, were responsible for land dispossession of their ancestors, the same way the imperialistic and colonialist Chinese are doing.

This explains suspicious behavior’s by the pestilential, parasitic Scarfmore to pretend to be thawing frosty relations between the paralyzed Zimbabwe and the whites dispossessed during the chaotic and unconstitutional land grab that was intended to abort the formidable alliance between the vibrant, innovative and resilient opposition. This move to thaw the relations is motivated by the greedy zanu pf urgency to supply the said farmers with children who would then be enslaved in their recovered farms or land. This is why there is nothing to really celebrate about a botched independence which is alleged, largely theoretical and a scam.

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