Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

If one was to analyse the actions of war veterans, they would conclude that donkeys are likely to have more grey matter than the former. If indeed the war veterans had more grey matter than donkeys, they would not have dug their graves, which are now occupied with swallowing them. How and why did the war veterans with lesser grey matter than donkeys dig their own graves, which are now haunting them? Is it too late for the war veterans who have been established to have lesser grey matter to remedy their philosophy, attitudes and perceptions? It certainly is not too late, some of them can be certainly saved from the peril they are facing.

Imagine for a moment that you are a war veteran, with lesser grey matter than a donkey of course, and you die without dignity, in public, and there was no ambulance available for you, no medication, the dependents you leave behind, how will they survive, considering that you died while you are in a queue so that the dependents you leave behind can afford some sugar in their tea with which they would consume together with barely mature pumpkins? You leave them in a far worse position, the little girls would grow up to be prostitutes, the little boys into thieves. These are the kids of your single mother daughter who dumped these kids on you. The father, given the state of the economy, abandoned the kids, after all, you the war veteran are responsible for the prevailing crisis. You alone single-handedly are the architect of the blossoming generational poverty set to afflict your bloodline for generations. Congratulations.

So, how did the war veterans, with lesser mental faculties than that of donkeys dig their own graves? They dug their own graves by wrongly assuming that they could play a critical role of a kingmaker, and thus had leverage over the installed king of their choosing, in this case, the illegitimate, unconstitutional, parasitic, criminal and pestilential Zanu pf. How misguided they were, to bank on imagined, unfounded leverage. In their own limited minds, without their endorsement, Zanu pf would not rule, and thus plunder and loot with reckless abandon. The grateful Zanu pf would in return make sure that the war veterans who have demonstrated lesser mental faculties would live happily ever after. It seems that, given the limited mental faculties of war veterans, as demonstrated not only by their short sightedness but also past actions, attitudes and behaviours underestimated extremely Zanu pf criminal elements looting and plundering tendencies.

In addition to this embarrassing underestimation of Zanuoids looting and plundering tendencies, the war veterans who have been established to have lesser mental faculties that cannot even rival that of lice, remained steadfast in their delusions of not only merely supporting Zanuoids, but they committed themselves further by being architects of gross human and property rights violations, as a means of enabling Zanuoids to retain power illegitimately. In this regard, they mutilated the supreme law of the land. What was their motivation? Money. Money that did not come. Money that they are dying in ques for, dying undignified deaths. Such a shame. If they did not act like a god, they would be living a fulfilling life.

War veterans’ hostility, based and sustained on and by sheer arrogance towards the opposition which seeks nothing other than their secure welfare is responsible for their digging of their graves for early deaths. Had they not, remain hostile to the opposition, they would have enjoyed life, a life they deserve, given their sacrifices for the liberation of this beautiful country now destroyed by Zanu pf criminals. However it is never too late, they can repent, and get salvation of service delivery that is first world in quality.

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