Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Zanu pf criminal elements who are in power illegitimately, aided by, acting in cahoots with their unprofessional, partisan and politicized excuse of a military whose rank and file is living in absolute poverty and obvious destitution have come to the laughable conclusion that civilians wearing camouflage will somehow come across Kalashnikovs as easily as they come across the useless local currency, and thus would become criminals, as both the camouflage and the Kalashnikovs would coerce them to turn into armed robbers, who would ambush peaceful citizens who had been made prosperous by the nonsensical Transitional Stabilization Program. Forget that some time last year soldiers with actual military identification particulars were shot dead in a civilian house!

What are the intentions of the military, in making wearing of military fatigues or camouflage a criminal offence? Bear in mind that this is politicized, partisan, ill equipped, rag tag of an army that has been responsible for gross human and property rights violations, most prominent being Gukurahundi, and electoral violence, all as the parasitic and illegitimate Zanu pf’s means to an end of preserving power outside the constitutional sanctions, in a bid to establish a one party state, so why would any sane citizen whose fundamental constitutional liberties have been violated in one way or another want to wear a uniform of his or her oppressors? It simply defies logic, which is plenty among the oppressed, and in acute deficiencies among the useless military and the criminal Zanu pf.

Deliberately, the impractical military and the pestilential Zanu pf forgets about the coterie or group of soldiers who had to be send away for retraining, where they are likely dead or to die, simply for asking for salaries that reflect the inflationary economic reality prevailing on the ground, after being deceived that they can air their grievances. The point is the question that dismisses Zanu pf parasites and partisan, politicized military illogical claims concerning camouflage and military fatigues that no one has any slightest interest in wearing. With the way illegitimate Zanu pf criminal elements are paranoid about regime change, especially if the change threatens their parasitic interests, do you not think that measures have been in place for decades that they do not allow citizens whom they exploit and oppress not to have weapons, with which they can execute the feared regime change, which would cut short their parasitic life span.

The same criminal, illegitimate Zanu pf which has politicized and made the military partisan seems to forget that together with its terrible joke and excuse of a military, are responsible for the state developing into a paralysis, a situation which is deteriorating and evolving into state collapse, which has been responsible for the armed robberies involving Kalashnikovs in the possession of people wearing military fatigues or camouflage. There is deliberate ignorance in Zanu pf and its military which is in the range of assuming that armed robberies, which are being done by the military, which despite being partisan, unpatriotic and politicized, are being carried out by civilians who are bored, despite the entertainment the get from the senile and demented failED. Citizens seeking an adrenaline rush, who have been killing, will kill their fellow citizens because of valuables.

Ironically, the impractical military which plays the role of king maker in Zimbabwean politics, and has been pledging that the opposition will never govern, so that the Zanu pf parasites can rule, plunder and loot, without being hindered by the supreme law of the land which advocates for rule of law, equality before the law, an impartial and independent judiciary makes no mention of where the Kalashnikovs are coming from, who is supplying them, and what the useless military has done with regards to remedying this national security problem. This is just an attempt to save face by the human rights abusing military. A face it lost as early as the days of the ethnic cleansing.

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