Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Zanu pf, the party of donkeys, no insults to donkeys, just do not show this to the SPCA, is, in its campaigns telling people to vote the opposition out of urban councils, and it goes on to supply the reasons why they should do so. Apparently, the opposition is responsible for the failing currency, the armed robberies that are plaguing this country, corruption that has crippled this country, as evidenced by the energy crisis for instance. According to Zanu pf, the opposition that should be voted out of urban councils is responsible for the striking teachers, the experienced health professionals living the country for greener pastures, shortages of drugs, deaths of war veterans in ques for peanuts. The opposition is evil, Zanuoids tells people whom they assume are politically uninformed, living on its mercy for food handouts.

To the politically uninformed, while extremely futile, this is a corrupt and failed Zanu pf ploy to establish an absolute one party state. This is the futile and bound to fail aspirations of Zanu pf to be the only ruling party. Ruling, not governing party. Such is the sheer volume of failed and corrupt Zanu pf ignorance. In the toxic brain of Zanu pf, only itself is capable of forming a government, it does not matter that it lacks popular will and thus political illegitimacy. It does not matter that it retains power at the expense of a mutilated supreme law of the land, and it certainly does not matter that the illegitimate, unconstitutional power retention by Zanu pf criminal elements is achieved after considerably significant human and property rights violations, compounded by unprofessional, politicized, partisan police force which ought to be reformed into a police service, serving the needs of the people, and the rag tag excuse of an army.

Is the former ministry of finance, now turned ministry of misery and suffering, whose minister is handpicked by failED under the administration and oversight of the resilient opposition which has been under all sorts of attacks by Zanu pf? Is the ministry of energy which has dismally failed its mandate, under the administration and oversight of the opposition? Is the opposition responsible for procuring drugs for public hospitals, which currently are facing shortages of massive proportions? Was Obadiah Moyo, former thieving health minister to Chamisa or to failED? Did Obadiah Moyo take instructions from Chamisa?

What is the significance of urban councils in a paralyzed state that is evolving into state failure and collapse? It is of no significance, even if the criminal and parasitic Zanu pf was to rig the elections, it will not stop the inevitable state failure and collapse. It will only accelerate it. The country will end up with no natural resources, a critically unskilled population, occupied and colonized by the Chinese, who ironically were colonized before. The people will not only be displaced, they will be slaves for the Chinese. Your daughters will be taken forcefully by the Chinese who have more males than females. There will be gnashing of teeth, Zanu pf will be responsible. History certainly will not forget, will be harsher on the parasites.

Zanu pf parasites assumes that the people it tells to vote the urban councils are ignorant of the fact that the same Zanu pf that wants to take over the opposition vacated urban councils is responsible for unemployment, its responsibility and not the opposition’s, deprivation of service delivery as Zanu pf loots and plunders with impunity, banking on a mutilated supreme law of the land, rule by law which only serves Zanu pf, and an impartial and dependent judiciary. The people are not ignorant, and because of this, they will take appropriate action, that will ensure that Zanu pf will not encroach further, certainly not in urban councils.

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