Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Zanu pf is a party made up of corrupt, opportunistic, bloodsucking pests and parasites that form the illegitimate government terrorizing and oppressing the suffering and miserable citizens. This terrorism, and oppression by zanu pf is its doomed to fail, cheap imitation of creativity that whose utility is to frustrate the inevitable change that will see the country transition from the zanu pf preferred archaic political system to an enduring, liberal and constitutional democracy which is inclusive and universally participatory. The fact that the politically bankrupt zanu pf is resisting and frustrating attempts at democratizing the country, has witnessed the state getting paralyzed.

This state paralysis has been characterized by the economy growing negatively, morphing into stagnancy. This has been compounded by crippling food insecurity which has established dominance, the same way illegitimate zanu pf has done, for decades, and has been accompanied by a hyper inflationary environment extremely high unemployment showing no signs of abating, and complimented by a very volatile exchange rate. All of this has been severely impacting the youths, the vast majority of them are now drug addicts, prostitutes, and thieves. Why do you think the failed zanu pf is working on reducing the mandatory sentencing of stock theft?

Not only has the youths been forced to evolve into drug addicts, prostitutes and thieves, but they have become victims of human trafficking by people with links to zanu pf parasites. They are promised jobs that the scrounging, pestilential and illegitimate zanu pf failed to provide them with. Because the parasitic zanu pf failed to deliver its electoral promises, not that anyone expected it to, it was obvious, as can be expected from a party that formed an illegitimate government, and thus is lacking political legitimacy, which it was deprived of, owing to its insensitive and unresponsive attitude towards the welfare of the people it has neglected for decades. The same people it oppresses, terrorizes and deny them prompt, affordable, decent and reliable service delivery, some of which are constitutional rights, such as the fundamental right to clean, safe drinking water, healthcare, shelter and education.

This means that you have youths whose future is ruined by Zanu pf given that the economy has been ruined by the failed, illegitimate and zanu pf. It has become so stagnant when it comes to positive economic growth, while doing exactly the opposite when it comes to negative growth, the region it has been occupying for decades. This has resulted in the youths, referenced as the most significantly impacted demographic group to become the most desperate and thus vulnerable to human trafficking, where they end up as sex slaves, or labour slaves.

This desperation and thus vulnerability is conceived by the negligence of the welfare of these youths, in addition to service delivery deprivation. To shoulder obligatory family responsibilities such as taking care of medical costs of aging parents, sending younger brothers and sisters to school, put food on the table, while being unemployed but educated, you fall easy prey for the human traffickers. So, principally, how is the failed zanu pf responsible? It is responsible because it is solely invested in predation, plundering and looting, at the expense of service delivery and the neglected welfare which has pushed these youths into desperation. The same plundering, looting and predation by the failed and pestilential zanu pf has been motivation for it to retain power illegitimately as means of preservation of the status quo crucial for further guaranteed predation, looting and plundering. A cycle that feeds on itself. Zanu pf retains power illegitimately, say through human rights violations of these youths, which is why these youths deprive it of popular will, crucial for political legitimacy, the same way they are deprived of service delivery. Ultimately, the youths are the affected, end up getting trafficked. This is why the failed zanu pf has been fingered as being responsible for the trafficking.

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