Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Certainly, this piece is not about televisions. Far from it. However, the analogy paints the picture vividly. A very sane man, who has respect for himself would never stoop so low as to actually organize for his impoverished children living in obvious squalor, absolute destitution, and biting poverty. This is despite having a television set of your own which you sold for short term satisfaction, alcohol. This is exactly what failED did. Substitute televisions sets for aeroplanes owned by Europeans.

The illegitimate Zanu pf, full of corrupt and parasitic elements is desperate, and is thus forced to use every imaginable excuse for clinging to power, illegitimately. Foreign aeroplanes from Europe, and not China, are one such fat excuses. It should be noted that the illegitimate Zanu pf bussed its poor supporters, who in this case would be the children celebrating the new television set next door. It should be gravely appreciated that only unemployed youth would be bussed to celebrate such trivia.

In a normally functional liberal democracy, which Zimbabwe is not, owing to Zanu pf futile aspirations of a one party state, governance tenets of accountability and transparency reign, aided by the rule of law, impartial and independent courts, not captured, partisan, politicized or militarized, Zimbabwe would not only have its own planes, but the country would never, in its wildest imagination imagine that its youths would not only be unemployed, but would be exploited by the pestilential, illegitimate Zanu pf in its vain and doomed to fail bid to retain power illegitimately so that it loots and plunders in absolute perpetuity with no consequences.

If only the country would transition into a liberal democracy under the vibrant, innovative and resilient opposition, none of this, the unemployment endemic or the exploitation of the youths by the parasitic Zanu pf would be happening.

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